Tests administered for advancement in emergency services
Types of Promotion
Promotion can be one of three types and each type requires different types of testing. These types are: Promotion to Technical Position, Promotion to First Supervisory Position and Promotion to Higher Supervisory Position

Promotion to Technical Position
Technical Positions are those that do not involve primary supervisory responsibilities. In law enforcement, these could be acceptance onto a SWAT team, lateral transfer to Detective, transfer or promotion to Crime Scene Investigation, etc. On the fire side this would be Driver/Operator, High-Angle Rescue Team and so forth. In EMS this might be promotion to a position of Flight Medic, for example.
For written testing, it would be appropriate to use mainstream industry textbooks as well as Department Standard Operating Procedures, Guidelines, and the like. Also, statutes, State and Provincial Protocols, and other government sources such as FAA, FEMA, and DOT are often applicable and relevant. Since the new position is not one of management, it would be optional to include a small section on management or supervisory practices as both an introduction to the concepts for later on, and also because these positions may "ride up" as squad leaders at times. The usual length of a written test is 100 questions but there is no reason not to use 150 or more even, if the subject is especially detailed or extensive.
Sample Questions

Promotion to First Supervisory Position
This is the Candidate's first supervisory job, such as Company Officer, Patrol Sergeant, Hazmat Team Leader, etc.
These candidates should be tested for subject knowledge, supervisory knowledge, and psychological suitability for supervision. We have a choice of Testing Instruments at this level.
Written Testing | Always appropriate, this Instrument should be used to test Candidates' subject knowledge of the new position, as well as their familiarity with any basic or fundamental knowledge they are expected to have, including Department SOP's, the essentials of company operations, field procedures, and so forth.
Psych testing | This is one of the two other times than Entry when Psych Testing should be conducted. Supervision requires an entirely different skill set and psychological makeup than non-supervisory work and it is nothing less than prudent to check those attributes at this time. It is comparable in cost to Written Testing.
Assessment Center | The Crown Jewel of Promotion Testing, an Assessment Center provides a full and detailed look at Candidate capabilities, well simulated to the stressful conditions of real life. It may be considered optional at this First Supervisory level. There is nothing stronger. It is best used in conjunction with Written and Psych testing and should not be considered a substitute for either of those. Our Customers may specify sources to use, and all other test parameters.
Sample Questions

Promotion to Higher Supervisory Position
This is promotion from one supervisory position to a higher one. Examples would be Police Captain, Fire Battalion Chief, EMS Deputy-Director, etc.
These candidates should be tested for subject knowledge, supervisory knowledge, and administrative topics. Psych testing could be considered optional, unless perhaps they are new to our organization, in which case it might be considered recommended; same for any sort of physical - except possibly the basic medical workup, again if new to the organization. We would use Written Testing and Assessment Center for these Candidates, with Psych an option, especially for newcomers.
Written Testing | For Higher Supervisory Candidates, we will examine their management and administrative knowledge, Department knowledge, and applicable Federal and State Documents such as Statutes, Pre-Hospital Medical Protocols, and/or Civil Defense or Disaster Preparedness Plans. There are several fine texts in print from which to draw the principles of Management and Administration, as well as the other document types listed.
Psych Testing | This is one of the two other times than Entry when Psych Testing should be considered. Higher Supervisory Level and Administration require more advanced skill sets and psychological stability than non-supervisory work or a First Supervisory position and it is a good practice to check and document those attributes at this time. It is comparable in cost to Written Testing.
Assessment Center | This is the front line Instrument of choice for Promotion to Higher Supervisory Candidates. These key organizational positions should have the most careful and comprehensive examination we can provide - and that is the Assessment Center.
Consisting of up to six separate exercises, many of them interactive, an Assessment Center provides a full and detailed look at Candidate capabilities, well simulated to the stressful conditions of real life. It puts them in Command of Major Incidents, has them interacting with Community Groups, Employee Groups and/or media, and examines their Administrative Skills. It is best used in conjunction with Written and Psych testing and should not be considered a substitute for either of those. Taken together, those three provide a "best practice of the day", duly diligent, and comprehensive look at Candidates capabilities.