Written Tests

These tests do not assume any prior knowledge or training in the field and instead measure General Aptitude, Cognitive Ability, and General Knowledge, covering such topics as

  • Basic Reading Skills
  • Comprehension
  • Basic Math Skills
  • Reasoning
  • Vocabulary
  • Weights and Measures
  • Etc.

entry level emergency servoices test

Written Tests arrive in a tamper-evident kit containing everything needed:

  1. Test booklets
  2. Bubble-in answer sheets
  3. Pencils
  4. Instructions to proctor
  5. Challenge instructions
  6. Prepaid return express shipping
  7. Answer key, if ordered
This is everything needed to conduct the testing.

new hire entry exam answer sheet

Test Details

Questions are all 4-choice, multiple-choice, with one correct answer and three incorrect ones. We do not use "two of the above", or "pick the best answer", or "A and C but not D", etc.

  • Tests are 100 questions unless customer specifies longer or shorter
  • Customer returns all testing materials to us (may keep copies of answer sheets)
  • We report scores within 24 hours (customer may order scoring key instead)
  • We handle all challenges
  • Customer may specify passing grade (70% is usual)
  • Tests may be scored absolutely or "on a curve" as needed

We keep all responses to all questions by all candidates on all tests we furnish, indefinitely.

Sample Questions

psychological evaluation

Psychological Testing

This 185-item instrument, taken on-line, is designed specifically for the Protective Services, which includes Police, Fire, & Military personnel. It screens for four attributes:

  1. Emotional Adjustment
  2. Integrity / Control
  3. Intellectual Efficiency
  4. Interpersonal Relations

Physical Agility

recommend contacting the International Association of Fire Fighters for information on their program, equipment, and requirements. Alternately, many jurisdictions develop and administer this type of testing in-house.